On Mission – Following God Together
June 23,
Acts 2:41-47
Those who believed what Peter said
were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all. All the believers devoted themselves to the
apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the
Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. A deep
sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous
signs and wonders. And all the believers
met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and
shared the money with those in need.
They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s
Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity - all the while
praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord
added to their fellowship those who were being saved.
The disciples trusted the Holy Spirit. They stepped out on faith and spoke the
message of Christ. God honored
this. In one day three thousand people
became believers. A great way for the
church to start. Not only did these
people become believers, their lives changed.
They devoted themselves to learning the way of Jesus, spending time in
community with other believers, sharing life with other believers, and to
prayer. They gave their lives over to
God as disciples. This wasn't casual. It took a great deal of time,
attention, and money. They shared what
they had. They sold personal possessions
for the good of the church. They
sacrificed in order to live out and proclaim the message of Christ. The same Spirit and faith that led those
first few disciples to step out now became the norm among this larger group of
disciples that formed the first church.
It is this Spirit and faith that needs to still be the norm for any
group that calls itself “church”.
This devotion and sacrifice brought great things into the
lives of these believers. Praise, joy, a
deep sense of awe, generosity, goodwill, and miracles became standard. It wasn't easy being a believer, but it was
worth it. When being a believer becomes
easy we miss something. When deep
devotion becomes casual attention we miss out.
What would it look like to stand in awe of God as these first believers
did? What would it feel like to worship
and praise God as these first believers did?
What’s missing?
The work of the Holy Spirit gave strength to these first
believers. There was something very
attractive about their devotion and lives.
Every day the Lord added to their number. Every day new faces believed and lives changed. God at work.
God wants to do this with us.
Will we follow Him?