Acts: Safe in the Storm
August 26,
Acts 27:21-26
Finally, Paul called the crew
together and said, “Men, you should have listened to me in the first place and
not left Crete. You would have avoided all this damage and loss. But take
courage! None of you will lose your lives, even though the ship will go down. For
last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside
me, and he said, ‘Don’t be afraid, Paul, for you will surely stand trial
before Caesar! What’s more, God in his goodness has granted safety to everyone
sailing with you.’ So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as
he said. But we will be shipwrecked on an island.”
Paul finds himself on a boat headed to stand before the
Roman emperor as a prisoner. The journey
is long and difficult. Strong winds and
storms plagued the ship throughout. Paul
takes this time to get to know the captain and crew on the ship. To them he offers a warning of bad weather,
which they do not listen too. When Paul
is proven right they are more willing to listen when he tells them they will be
safe in the storm. Sometimes being heard
requires patience and grace.
This was no small storm.
For 14 days the crew battled the sea and the storm. They did not eat during that time. They tossed cargo overboard. At one point they thought to abandon ship and
lowered lifeboats only to cut the boats free at Paul’s warning of trouble. 276 people ate one meal at Paul’s
direction. The next day they found land,
cut their anchors, and headed to shore.
Along the way the boat gets stuck and breaks apart. All 276 people made it to shore just as Paul
had promised. Considering the
circumstances, this is a miracle.
The storm came, but it did not stop God’s purpose. The storm lasted for a long time, but it did
not stop God from keeping people safe.
The storm destroyed property, finances, and why physically difficult,
but it did not destroy the people God was protecting. God is always greater than the storm. God will always be greater than the
storm. If all our attention is focused
on the storm we won’t find safety. When
we focus on God in the midst of the storm we find safety and peace.
Each of us faces storms in life. Perhaps some of us have been shipwrecked
emotionally, financially, physically, or relationally. We cannot deny the power of the storm. But we can take courage. God is with us in the storms of life. God is greater than the storms of life. God will bring us safely through. What does taking courage look like for you today?