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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Devotionals: God Rebuilds (June 12th)

Restore: God Rebuilds

June 12, 2011

Helpful Readings for the Week

Read Nehemiah 1:1-11

Read Nehemiah 2:11-20

Read Nehemiah 4:1-23

Read Nehemiah 8:1-12

Read Nehemiah 12:27-43

Devotional Thoughts

Seeing the Need (Nehemiah 1:1-11)

Nehemiah was an important man. As cupbearer to the king, Nehemiah had authority and access to power and privilege. Yet he was also part of God's people. When he hears about the struggles of his people, Nehemiah mourns. Nehemiah did not let his present position blind him to his heritage and faith.

Nehemiah turns to prayer. In his prayer he acknowledges his and his people's role in the current trouble. God's people had failed to follow God and live under the covenant that had been established. Nehemiah does not want this to continue so he asks God to help him do something about it.

Where walls had been broken, where gates had been burned, where faith had crumbled, and where hope was scarce Nehemiah saw a need and an opportunity for God to work. He decided to risk all he had to join God in rebuilding his people. What rebuilding work is needed today? How willing are we to join in God's rebuilding work?

Deciding to Do (Nehemiah 2:11-20)

Nehemiah secures the kings approval and goes to Jerusalem. He has already made enemies of leaders who did not want to see Israel restored. When he arrives he inspects the walls. He looks at the destruction and the desolation. No one knows why he is here and doing this. Where others see ruin, Nehemiah sees possibilities. From the rubble of once strong walls, Nehemiah sees what is needed to make new walls.

After his tour, Nehemiah speaks with the leaders of Israel. He acknowledges the destruction and he presents and idea. "Let's rebuild." "Let's not suffer disgrace anymore." He told the people how God was working and the people agreed. The work of rebuilding began. Nehemiah was the catalyst to do the work that needed doing. His action helped others take needed action. God was behind all of this. How can our actions influence others for good?

Facing the Trouble (Nehemiah 4:1-23)

Not everyone was happy about this rebuilding process. Trouble came from outside leaders who began to ridicule the rebuilding efforts. They used their power and influence to cast doubt. When that didn't work and the rebuilding continued the threat of force was employed. Rebuilding creates trouble. People don't like change. Rebuilding changes the mind, heart, and reality of those doing the rebuilding work. Do not be surprised when you find trouble in your rebuilding efforts.

Nehemiah did not let the trouble makers win. He faced trouble rather than running from it. He united the people in common purpose and developed a plan to move forward. Throughout all of this, Nehemiah was focused on God. Focusing on God is a reliable way to face whatever trouble may come.

Rediscovering God (Nehemiah 8:1-12)

As the walls of Jerusalem were being rebuilt the book of Moses was discovered. This was a holy book which the prophet Ezra read to the people. The people heard these words and returned to obedience to the word of God. In rebuilding the walls the faith of the people was also being rebuilt. Important things that had been ignored and forgotten were remembered and embraced. God was rebuilding His people.

The people were upset. They prayed with their heads to the ground. In Ezra's reading their disobedience became obvious. Nehemiah saw the weeping and the grief and went to the people. From tears came joy. The people had heard and understood God's word. They began to celebrate. They recognized God's rebuilding work in their hearts and responded with joy. This is always an appropriate response to God's work.

Celebrating God's Work (Nehemiah 12:27-43)

Now it is time for another tour of the walls and the city. When Nehemiah arrived he toured the ruins of once great walls alone. Now the gates and walls are lined with people. Leaders, singers, priests and scribes are recognized. There is a sort of pomp and circumstance as the work of rebuilding is being shown off. The ruins had been replaced with strong walls. The gates had been rebuilt and rehung. The disgrace of the people has turned to honor. God has restored His people. God has enabled the people to rebuild what had once lain in ruins. God was at work and the people believed God would continue to be at work. It was time to celebrate.

The celebration had God at the center. Sacrifices were offered. God was honored. The restored faith of God's people was put on display. Everybody joined in. Women and children, the young and the old, and all the people knew great joy. So great was the celebration that it could be heard far away. How well do we celebrate God's work? What role does the joy of the Lord play? Let us remember to celebrate God's work with great joy.

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