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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Discovering God: Week 1

September 25, 2011

Helpful Readings for the Week
Read Exodus 1: 8-14
Read Exodus 2: 23-25
Read Exodus 3: 7-10

Devotional Thoughts

The Beginning (Exodus 1:8-14)
400 years pass between Joseph taking God's people to Egypt and the beginning of the Exodus.  In 400 years God's people went from welcomed guests to oppressed slaves.  Exodus is the story of God's deliverance, God's power, and the people's discovery of the LORD.  This story begins with great oppression.  This is often true of us.  When we feel held back, pressed down, hurt, or afraid we are often more willing and able to seek God.  From oppression, pain, and slavery God will bring freedom, identity, and purpose.  This is how God revealed Himself.  Could He do this for you?

A Cry For Help (Exodus 2:23-25)
God's people groaned and cried out under the oppression of the Egyptians.  They expressed their struggle and pain.  They cried out.  They did not bury their trouble.  They did not hide from the reality of their pain.  They cried out.  Their cries rose to God.  The people chose to cry out to God.  This is not a complaint.  It is a searching for and seeking after one who can help.  It is not done for human is a cry for the ears of God.  It is a cry that God heard from a people God cares about.  He "took notice" of them.  He "looked favorably" on them.  God welcomes the honest cries of His people.  He responds with care.  Do you need to cry out to God?  What would that look like?  How does knowing that God hears you cry change things?

The Lord's Response (Exodus 3:7-10)
God hears.  God knows.  God responds.  God has come down to snatch His people from the hands of their oppressors.  The time has come for God to take action.  He has seen what the people are going through.  He has waited for the right time to act in their best interest.  He has come to the right person (Moses).  God will lead the people to a place of freedom and plenty.  To those who have nothing, God brings a great gift.  To those who have suffered greatly, God brings the opportunity for great success.  Where the people see only pain and suffering, God sees a path to greatness.  What does God see when He observes you?  Are you willing to wait on the Lord's response?  How might the God of love and care respond to your cry today?

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