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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Jesus Came...To Give Life

December 25, 2011

John 10:7-10 
“Very truly, I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep.  All who came before me are thieves and bandits; but the sheep did not listen to them.  I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

To Give Life…
How do we know what is true?  How do we know what is real?  So often we are told one thing and discover something else.  The world is full of half-truths and it is not always clear what is real and what is fake.  Jesus came to clear things up.  “Very truly, I tell you”.  There is no falseness in Jesus.  In Jesus you don’t find half-truth.  Jesus is simply true.  Following Jesus brings us clarity in life.  Jesus came to give life, to make life clear, and to have a meaningful life.

Yet many do not discover this life.  What seems as if it should be crystal clear often feels cloudy and uncertain.  It is because there is a gate.  Jesus uses the shepherd analogy to illustrate choice.  Jesus is the gateway to life.  Yet in order to discover this life we must enter in.  “Whoever enters by me will be saved.”  Other gates lead to death and destruction.  Other gates appear to be good and meaningful, but never live up to their appearance.  It is faith that allows life to become clear.  It is belief and acceptance of Christ as savior and Lord that leads us to green pastures.  Jesus speaks the truth and invites us to believe it.  Will we?

Jesus came to give us life.  Real life.  Meaningful life.  Life that does not end.  Life that matters.  What’s more, he came to give us this life abundantly.  Jesus isn’t about keeping people out.  He does not treat life as a scarce resource to be guarded and hoarded.  He gives life abundantly to all who believe.  Following Jesus isn’t a mystery.  Living well is possible.  We simply need to believe and trust our creator, savior, and Lord.  I wonder, do we know and live in this life?

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