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Monday, March 26, 2012

Focus 40: Day 29

Praying the Power of the Blood of Jesus

God the Father knew you and chose you long ago, and his Spirit has made you holy. As a result, you have obeyed him and have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. May God give you more and more grace and peace. —1 Peter 1:2 nlt

Jim is in mid-sixties. He retired from his job as a professional welder. He and his wife raised some wonderful children. Jim and Donna are now in the season of enjoying their grandchildren. Last year as our congregation was participating in Focus 40. Jim and Donna came forward for prayer in a Sunday service. Jim had just been diagnosed with leukemia, and on the day of his diagnosis, a brain tumor was found in his five-year-old grandson. The tumor began to affect his grandson’s motor skills. As he walked, he was dragging one leg. Jim said, “I’m not worried about myself, I’m in God’s hands; but I ask that you pray for my grandson. The whole family was now standing in front of the congregation—Jim, Donna, their son, daughter in law and grandson. They shared with us that Jim and his grandson would be going back for further tests that week. We took special time to anoint with oil and prayer over them.
The next visit to the doctors did not bring wonderful news. Jim was told that his leukemia was an aggressive form of cancer. The family was told that their grandson would have to have brain surgery. And both were scheduled for another round of tests to prepare them for surgery and treatment. Jim later said about this day, “It was one of the darkest days I had faced in a long time.” He shared that when he faces this kind of turmoil, he often paces. He stated, “I was just pacing around my dining room table, saying, Lord, what are we going to do? He shared that in those moments the old hymn “There Is Power in the Blood” came to him. Jim said, “I am not a singer but I started praying that hymn. There is power in the blood to heal my cancer; there is power in the blood to heal my grandson.” He stated, “I just kept pacing and praying, ‘There is power in the blood.’”
This became Jim’s continual prayer as he and his grandson prepared for their next round of tests. They returned for their test the following week. The physicians working on both cases had called in specialists to assist with this round of test. As the grandson visited the doctor’s office on that day, they all noticed he was no longer dragging his leg but walking normally. Jim went for another round of blood tests. After tests were completed, they were told to return in a few days to hear what the physicians would determine should be the next steps. After the final round of tests and review, the doctors determined that the best action for the grandson would be to monitor the tumor, which they said was not increasing in size. Jim’s blood test came back with all results in normal range. The doctors determined to watch Jim’s blood test and not do any immediate treatment. They are now into their seventh month of observation. The grandson entered school again this fall and is living and learning with no difficulties or side effects. Jim’s blood counts all remain normal. There is no loss of weight or any signs that his cancer is active. Jim says, “There is power in praying the blood of Jesus over your life and your family’s lives.” Transforming Hearts…Transforming Lives!

Lord, we thank you for your precious blood shed on Calvary. We thank you that the power of the blood of Jesus saves from sin and renews our lives. Thank you, Lord, that a blood line has been drawn around my life. I proclaim today over my life and my family’s life the power of the blood of Jesus for every area of our lives. Thank you, Lord, for the privilege to plead the blood of Jesus over all circumstances, to declare that there is wonder working power in the blood of the Lamb. Amen.

Ø  Rev. Claude Robold, Pastor, New Covenant Church, Middletown/Franklin, Ohio

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