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Friday, March 11, 2011

Focus 40: Day 3 - March 11, 2011

Finding Peace in a Chaotic World

"Be still, and know that I am God" -Psalm 46:10 NIV


To be still is to stop, to not move, or to pause. How often are we still? Let's be honest. Most of us resist stillness. Even when our bodies are not moving many of us make sure something is going on around us. The TV is being watched, music is being listened too, the internet is being surfed, or the phone is being talked at. Often when we encounter stillness our first instinct is to do something to disrupt it. I mean really, how many of us are good at being still?

This Psalm tells us that God is a refuge. In times of trouble, the Lord is our help. The world rages in war and strife. The earth itself trembles and shakes. The waters roar and foam with no peace. This is not a picture of stillness. Wherever the people of God looked they saw chaos. Have you ever been in that place? When everywhere you look all you see is disorder, trouble, and chaos?

In the midst of all craziness of life there is one place of peace. Where the Lord is, there is gladness. There is refuge and shelter. God is not one who makes war. Instead he is one that makes wars cease. God is not the bringer of chaos. God is the bringer of order. What's more, God has the power to do this. In God we can find a source of peace that cannot be found anywhere else.

Each of us has times when we long for stillness, but we cannot find it no matter where we look. Life gets crazy. For some, life is crazy most of the time. Stillness is a dream that doesn't ever seem to become reality. We get so used to the chaos that we can barely recognize anything else. Does this lead us to greater health, more peace, and a better life? I highly doubt the answer is "yes".

Stillness is a choice. There is emphasis behind this scripture. The Lord is calling out to his people. Be Still! Trust Me! It's a wakeup call for the life filled with chaos. Life is more than trouble. Life is greater than our schedules. We don't have to do everything in order for life to go on.

Take time today to choose stillness.

Put down the task in front of you. Turn off the TV, music, computer, and cell phone. Just stop for awhile. In that stillness…seek God. Listen for that still small voice of the Lord. Allow him to shelter you. Get to know him. Remember all that God has done. Find peace.

This is God's world. Trust him.

Dear God, help me to be still. Help me to know you. Help me to trust you. You are greater than the chaos of life. Your ways are better. Help me walk in your ways today and all the days of my life. Amen.

Pastor John Mattern, First Church of God, Greensburg, Indiana.

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