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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Discovering God: Week 8

November 13, 2011

Helpful Readings for the Week

-          Read Exodus 24:9-18
-          Read Exodus 25:1-9
-          Read Exodus 24:1-8

Devotional Thoughts

On the Mountain with God (Exodus 24:9-18)
The elders and Moses went up to be with God.  In His presence they were safe as they ate and drank.  They were in relationship of the one true God.  From here God called Moses up to mountain to receive His instruction.  Moses trusted the elders to watch over the people in his absence.  On the mountain settled the glory of the Lord.  From the cloud, God called to Moses and Moses went to Him.  40 days and 40 nights Moses was with God.  The glory of the Lord was powerful.  From a distance it looked like fire devouring the mountain top.  Moses was with God in the presence of His glory.  Can we imagine such an experience?  How amazing must it have been to experience the glory of the Lord?  This was a mountain top experience.  We still have these today.  God’s glory is part of our lives.  In order for Moses to experience it he had to answer the call, climb the mountain, and wait on the Lord.  What if we were willing to do the same?

An Offering (Exodus 25:1-9)
God gave Moses instruction.  The worship Moses was able to do on the mountain would be shared with the whole of the people.  A tabernacle was to be built following very specific instructions from God.  This would be a place of worship where the presence of God would dwell among the people.  The people are given an opportunity to join in this work.  An offering is to be taken from all "whose hearts prompt them to give".  It is not a forced gift.  It is an opportunity to connect with God personally and as a community.  The people responded and the tabernacle was built.   What is your heart prompting you to do?  How willing are we to give in worship to God?

“We Will Do” (Exodus 24:1-8)
Moses told all the people what God had revealed to him.  God clearly communicated His message and His way to His people.  God still does this.  In response the people offered sacrifices.  They gave of themselves and what they had to honor God.  They voluntarily agreed to the covenant God offered them.  They promised to do what the Lord directed.  They promised to be obedient.  They chose this.  A significant moment in our salvation is making a choice.  It is saying “we will do” and aligning our life with God.  How have you made this choice?  How has your life changed because of it?

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