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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Discovering God: Week 7

November 6, 2011

Helpful Readings for the Week
-          Read Exodus 32:1-10
-          Read Exodus 32:11-35
-          Read Exodus 33:12-34:35

Devotional Thoughts
A Golden Calf (Exodus 32:1-10)
While Moses is with God on the mountain, the people God delivered, provided for, and guided got impatient and convinced Aaron to make "gods" for them.  They sacrificed their gold and jewels in order that Aaron could create a golden calf.  To this calf they turned to worship.  In the name of this calf they had a festival and a party.  They had greater faith in the "god" they made for themselves than for the God who brought them out of slavery.  God tells Moses this.  God is angry.  God gets angry.  God's wrath burned against this stiff-necked people.  Rebelling against God is not a good idea.  God does not rejoice in rebellion.  Do we have a rebellious spirit in us?  How does it come out?  How often do we choose what we know over what God is doing?

Broken Tablets (Exodus 32:11-35)
God was ready to start new with just Moses.  He was ready and able to end this Israelite experiment.  Moses interceded on the people’s behalf.  Moses was able to change God's mind.  God listens to the prayers of His people.  So Moses goes down to the people with God's law written on stone tablets in his hands.  God's called one with God’s good guidance faced a rowdy group of partiers worshipping a golden calf.  Moses felt the same anger God felt.  In his anger he broke God's tablets, he destroyed the calf and forced the people to eat the dust of it, and he called for the deaths of nearly 3000 of the worst offenders.  Rebellion comes at a price.  This rebellion cost the people their gold, the lives of their family, and their connection with God.  Without Moses interceding again they would have been wiped out.  The people made this choice.  With that choice came consequences.  What do your choices say about your relationship with God? 

A Renewed Relationship (Exodus 33:12-34:35)
Moses returns to the mountain.  There he meets God again.  The very glory of God is shown to Moses and Moses is forever changed by it.  New tablets are made.  Moses asks for forgiveness on behalf of the people.  Forgiveness is given.  God initiates a covenant relationship with His people.  He clearly states what following Him requires and what it will bring.  God has not abandoned those who rebelled against Him.  The glory of God is seen most clearly in His grace.  How have you experienced God's grace in your life?  

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