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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Discovering God: Week 9

November 20, 2011

Helpful Readings for the Week
-          Read Exodus 40:1-33
-          Read Exodus 40:34-38
-          Read Isaiah 42:5-9

Devotional Thoughts

Preparing to Worship (Exodus 40:1-33)
The tabernacle is ready.  At a specific time and specific place God directed Moses to set up His tabernacle.  The directions are detailed.  They are followed with reverence and awe.  Specific people dressed in specific clothes.  Every single part of this tabernacle, the preparation of it, and the worship in it had meaning.  The people expected to meet God.  They carefully prepared for this significant event.  With humble hearts and open minds they readied themselves for the glory of God.  How prepared and ready are we to worship?  What does reverence and awe look like in our lives?  How prepared are we for the presence of the Lord?

Witnessing God's Glory (Exodus 40:34-38)
When everything was ready the cloud that had guided the people settled on the tabernacle.  The glory of the Lord filled the place.  So powerful was this glory that Moses could not even get close to it.  At night fire was in the cloud.  This was a constant and visible testimony to God's presence.  The cloud of God's glory became the guide of the people.  When God moved, the people moved with Him.  All could see.  All stood as witnesses to God's glory.  All knew the presence of the Lord.   A gathering of God's people (church) is to be a place where God's presence is found, witnessed, and known.  It is a place guided by the Lord.  It is a place of dedication, awe, and inspiration.  This is God's desire.  Does this describe our church?  Are we able to see the glory of God that surrounds and fills His people?  What holds us back?  If something holds us back, what can we do to change it?

Being a "Light to the Nations" (Isaiah 42:5-9)
The call of God continued long after the people arrived in the Promised Land.  From generation to generation the people had a mission.  They were to be God's people.  God provided for them, gave them life, and kept them safe.  God has called the people to righteousness.  The people were to be a "light to the nations" or a living testimony of God's glory.  They were to care for the poor and those in need.  They were not to give glory to anyone or anything other than God.  God is always true to His people.  His people are not always true to Him.  Today we can change.  One heart rededicated to being God's person matters.  Each of us matter.  Let us be God's people.

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