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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Focus 40: Day 24 - April 5, 2011

Being Pruned

He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn't produce they will produce even more. -John 15:2 NLT

Pruning scares me.

In the garden and around the yard I am always hesitant to cut away too much of a plant or tree. I have this thought that one stray cut could kill the whole plant.

I don't like personal and emotional pruning in my life. I have allowed unhealthy things to fester inside me because I am unwilling to get rid of them. I have this thought that backing away from that friendship or confronting that emotion will cost me more than I want to pay.

The fact is that unhealth in the life of a plant or in my life will lead to my destruction.

Pruning away the unhealthy parts of life allows God to create something better in its place.

Jesus is the true vine. God is the vine grower. God is a great gardener. God knows what needs to be pruned away and what needs to be kept. He will enable us to see this in our lives if we are willing to listen.

Listening requires recognition.

1. I am not perfect as I am right now.

2. If I want to grow and produce good fruit I need to be connected to the vine (God).

Knowing this, I can pray and hear God's response. I can recognize unhealthy habits, attitudes, and emotions and replace them with healthy ones. I can have a life of meaning, purpose, and significance.

Prayer, fasting, engaging scripture, and fellowship with other believers are pruning moments. How willing are you to be pruned?

Father God. Help me recognize the unhealthy parts of my life. Help me to release those parts and replace them. I want to produce good fruit. Show me how, even when it is difficult. Amen.

Pastor John Mattern, First Church of God, Greensburg, Indiana.

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