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Monday, April 11, 2011

Focus 40: Day 29 - April 11, 2011

A Prayer to Fulfill Every Good Purpose of Mine

With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. -2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 NIV

"With this in mind, we constantly pray for you." Paul's motivation for being in constant prayer for the Thessalonian church is described in the earlier parts of this chapter. Paul states that he is thankful for the Thessalonians' growing faith, increasing love, and perseverance during persecution. Paul declares that their faith, love, and perseverance are evidence that God is empowering these believers.

Paul is in constant prayer for the believers so that "his [God's] power" would continue to empower them. Paul recognizes that it is God who enables them to have faith, love, and perseverance. By their acts of faith, love, and perseverance, they demonstrate and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is glorified in his children. We are God's ambassadors to a world that is at enmity with God. This glory comes not from within ourselves, but is a gift of God's grace working in us. It is our supreme calling as Christians to bring glory to Jesus Christ. Indeed, time itself is racing to the end of the age when God will reveal himself in a "blazing fire" and all will recognize God as Lord over all.

Paul's prayer for the Thessalonians was that they would excel in their calling; that by their conduct Jesus Christ would be glorified. This too should be our prayer. Not just for ourselves, but for the whole body of Christ. In your prayers do you lift up the names of other believers to God? Do you pray that God will work in the lives of others to bring glory to His name? Is it your prayer that you will be filled with God's grace working in you to produce fruit that showcases the glory of God?

Let us be mindful that our actions, our speech, our faith and love, are all testimonies to our union with Christ. Let us live a life that is worthy of Christ. You may be the only encounter with Christ that others have. Are they going to see the real Christ working in you? Let your prayer be that you will be.

Darren R. Covington, First Church of God, Greensburg, Indiana.

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