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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Focus 40: Day 40 - April 23, 2011

Who is Looking at You?

Elijah said to Elisha, "What can I do for you before I'm taken from you? Ask anything." Elisha said, "Your life repeated in my life. I want to be a holy man just like you." -2 Kings 2:9 MSG

Elijah and Elisha are two of the greatest prophets in the Old Testament. Elijah faced down a king, a queen, and all the worshipers of Baal. He spoke for God to a people resisting God. His life was not easy. He was not always happy. Yet he was true, faithful, and God used him in incredible ways.

Now Elijah is getting ready to ascend into heaven. These are the last moments he has to share with Elisha. In those moments Elijah asks "What can I do for you?" In his last moments, Elijah is concerned about Elisha. He is not so caught up in what is coming that he forgets about the rest of the world. Elijah's desire is to be a blessing to Elisha. This is truly a heartfelt moment.

Now that Elisha has this opportunity he asks to be like Elijah. Elisha saw something in Elijah that he desired. He didn't just look at all the hardship, stress, pain, and unpleasantness that Elijah went through. He saw the man Elijah was and wanted to be like him. He saw the God Elijah served and wanted to serve him.

Very soon a chariot of fire descended from heaven and Elijah was taken up to be with God. Elisha mourned the loss of his friend and mentor. Then he picked up Elijah's mantle and immediately began to serve the Lord as Elijah had done.

Our lives are filled with all kinds of relationships. Some see us at our best. Others know us better. These relationships matter. God can use them for good. The odds are good that your relationship with Christ came because of a relationship you had. Another person showed you the goodness and greatness of following God. Think about that person.

Others are looking at you. God can use your life and your relationships to draw people to him. We have a responsibility to follow God as he directs in our lives. We also have a responsibility to pass on the faith to the next generation. When others see us do they see God at work? Do they see the goodness and greatness of following God?

Few things are as touching or as meaningful as sharing your life with another.

Who is looking at you? What relationship is God using in your life to pass on the faith?

Spend some time in prayer for the relationships you have. Seek God's will in those relationships. Make an effort to extend your hand to those around you in love.

Lord, show me those who need me. Give me an opportunity to share my life in a meaningful way with another. Make me aware of how you are at work in my relationships. Help all of us draw closer to you this day.

Pastor John Mattern, First Church of God, Greensburg, Indiana.

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