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Monday, October 10, 2011

Discovering God: Week 3

October 9, 2011

Helpful Readings for the Week
  • Read Exodus 3:4; 10
  • Read Jeremiah 1:4-10
  • Read Isaiah: 42:5-7

Devotional Thoughts

Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3:4; 10)

God said "Moses, Moses" and Moses said "Here I am".  When Moses saw the burning bush he turned aside.  He stepped away from his other duties and tasks to investigate.  When he discovered God in the bush he did not run.  When he heard God speak his name he did not shy away.  Those who God calls and works through all begin here...with the words "Here I am".  From that simple acknowledgement of the call a relationship is formed.  In verse 10 God says "So come, I will send you".  From the open door of “Here I am” comes "I will send you".  When God calls he calls us specifically.  There is a special ministry for all God’s people.  Finding the ministry He has called you too gives purpose, joy, and meaning to life.  Can you say "Here I am" to God?  What is the ministry God is calling you to do?

God Knows Me (Jeremiah 1:4-10)

Moses was the first prophet to God's people.  After Moses, God continued to call people into His service.  Jeremiah is such a prophet.  Jeremiah's call and sending begins with recognition of how intimately God knows us.  God had a good plan for Jeremiah long before Jeremiah was even born.  Jeremiah arrived and accepted his call at the exact right time and at the exact right place.  God gave Jeremiah all he needed to do what God called him to do.  God still does this.  Each of us has a call to minister.  God has put us in the place we need to be for that ministry.  God will give us what we need to do the ministry He has called us to.  Do you believe this?  What is your ministry?  What might happen if you said yes to God’s call today?

Called to be Light (Isaiah 42:5-7)

The Lord who created everything has come to His people.  They are to be a light to the nations (all people).  They are to show the entire world who God is.  They are to live in righteousness.  God has protected them, guided them, and will not abandon them.  We are God's people.  Together we have a calling.  We are the living example of God's love.  We are walking, talking testimonies of God's faithfulness.  We are His people...called by His name.  It is an honor.  How are we living out this call?  Are we making disciples?  Are we public with our faith?  Let us accept the call and be God’s people.

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