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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Discovering God: Week 6

October 30, 2011

Helpful Readings for the Week

-          Read Exodus 15:22 – 16:3
-          Read Exodus 16:4 – 36
-          Read Exodus 17:1 – 7

Devotional Thoughts

Grumbling in the Desert (Exodus 15:22 – 16:3)
Three days earlier Moses led the people to safety on dry ground after God displayed his power over nature when he parted the Red Sea, and his power over the mightiest army on earth when he crushed it beneath the waves.  For three days Moses led the people through the desert.  The people have been unable to find water to drink.  They begin to complain to Moses.  In three days they have forgotten the power of God.  Moses follows God’s instructions and throws a piece of wood in some bitter water, making it sweet. God provided.  The people continue on in the desert and begin to complain that they have no food to eat. They have forgotten God’s provision again.  How easy it is for our faith to be so strong, and then trials come which cause us to doubt God.  Have you walked through the desert without water?

Manna in the Desert (Exodus 16:4 – 36)
God heard the complaining of his people. God responded with grace and told them he was going to provide bread from heaven.  This bread appeared every morning for forty years while the people traveled through the desert.  Each person gathered exactly what he needed, no more, no less. God's provision is always complete.  God knows exactly what we need.  God knows how to provide exactly what we need.  Some of the people tried to gather too much, and the bread rotted and became infested with maggots.  Do you sometimes want more than what God provides? Are you content with God's grace in your life?  God gave instructions to the people concerning the bread to test them to see if they would be obedient. God's grace is not to be taken for granted.  Do you value it, or do you live in disobedience?

Water from the Rock (Exodus 17:1 – 7)
The people once again find themselves without water.  Their complaining has now turned to quarreling. They begin to desire their old life in Egypt over the hardships of the desert.  How quickly they have forgotten the slavery they were under in Egypt.  In the Christian journey there are many trials. It is better though to suffer in the desert with God, than to remain in slavery to the old paths of sin and destruction.  God provides water again.  Do you test God's patience with your unbelief?

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