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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Discovering God: Week 4

October 16, 2011

Helpful Readings for the Week
  • Read Exodus 5:1-21
  • Read Exodus 8:19
  • Read Exodus 14:5-31

Devotional Thoughts

Increasing Conflict (Exodus 5:1-21)
Moses arrives in Egypt.  He meets with the Pharaoh and asks for his people to be let go.  The Pharaoh is upset by this.  He begins to make the lives of the Israelites harder.  They will have to do more work in order to receive the same benefit.  The Israelite people are unable to stand up before this and the Egyptians begin to punish them.  The Israelites are called “lazy” and the work remains unreasonable.  The Israelites now blame Moses for their hardship.  They do not see a man sent from God to deliver them.  Instead, they see a man responsible for their pain.  People do not like conflict.  People do not like change.  Pharaoh’s reaction and the reaction of the Israelite people are understandable.  We do the same thing.  Yet in all the blame throwing, punishment, and pain the only one who turns to God is Moses.  When we face conflict…what is our reaction?

A Hard Heart (Exodus 8:19)
Moses does not give up on God’s call.  He continues to appear before Pharaoh.  The plagues begin to happen.  The reality of God’s power and authority is made evident.  Yet Pharaoh refuses to change.  He refuses to see.  He has a hard heart.  There is not much you can do with a hard heart.  Pharaoh will continue to try and fight against God at an extreme cost to his land and his people.  It is a losing fight.  What is the condition of your heart today?  Are you willing to bend in conflict?  How has God changed your heart recently? 

God’s Deliverance (Exodus 14:5-31)
The Pharaoh will make one last attempt to overcome God.  He sends an army after the Israelites.  The Israelites appear to be trapped.  They come to Moses with blame and complaint.  Moses tells them to not be afraid and to stand firm.  It is God who will fight for them.  It is God who does fight for them.  The Red Sea is parted and the Israelites are safely led to the other side.  Pharaoh’s army is crushed under the waves.  God wins.  God delivered His people just as He said He would.  How hopeless does your conflict appear?  Can God deliver you?  The answer is yes.  We just need to be still and be faithful.  What would that look like for you today?

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