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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Discovering God: Week 5

October 23, 2011

Helpful Readings for the Week
  • Read Exodus 15:1-3
  • Read Exodus 15:4-13
  • Read Exodus 15:17-18
Devotional Thoughts

Starting the Song (Exodus 15:1-3)
The Red Sea is parted.  Moses leads the people to safety on dry ground.  The people watch as the greatest army in the world is crushed by the waves.  They are saved.  They are free.  God has delivered them.  The people stood in awe.  Have you ever stood in awe of God?  Perhaps you saw something or experienced something that just made you fully aware of God's majesty and power.  How did you respond?  Why is it that some songs we sing to the Lord bring tears to our eyes?  The Israelites stood safely on the bank of the Jordan and sang.  They put their experience into song.  They put their awe into their voices as they sang.  What the Lord had done would not be forgotten.  The song would live on.  Generations would know and remember what happened that day.   What song are you singing?  How will you pass on what God has done to the next generation?  Are you willing to sing?

A Song of Deliverance (Exodus 15:4-13)
The lyrics of the song tell the story of how God delivered His people.  It tells the story of Pharaoh's army.  How they boasted of their power.  How they sought to destroy and consume God's people.  It tells of how God's power was greater.  How God consumed and destroyed this army that thought it was so powerful.  The song of deliverance gives full glory, power, and credit to God.  By God's action, the people were saved.  The Lord is the trustworthy guide for His people and His people recognize this.  Who or what has power and authority in your life?  Are you like Pharaoh's army, confident in your own power and disdainful of God?  Are you fearful of those who have power?  Do you see God who is greater by far than all other powers?  Sing the song of salvation.  God's power is with us.

A Song of Praise (Exodus 15:17-18)
The people heard the promise of God.  If God's power could overcome the Egyptians than God is certainly able to lead them to the Promised Land.  The people praise the Lord for who He is, what He has done, and what He will do.  Can we do the same?  Praise is an expression of trust and faith.  Praise bubbles up from real encounters with our real Lord.  Praise is central to the life of a Christian.  What can you praise God for today?

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