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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Focus 40 Day 24

The Eternal Story

[I am] set apart for the gospel of God, which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy scriptures, the gospel concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord. —Romans 1:1–4 nrsv

Have you ever been talking to someone and gotten the feeling that you’re only getting half of the story? I have a four-year-old son. Welcome to my life.

A few days ago when I picked him up from pre-school, he cryptically told me that he “ didn't have a good day.” After a little prodding, I was able to get him to admit that he was put in time out, but I couldn't quite get him to explain why. When I asked, “Why were you in time out?” he’d just answer, “Because my teacher made me sit in time out.”

The conversation was going nowhere fast. It was terribly frustrating. “But why did she want you to sit in time out?” I asked. His answer: “Because I was in trouble.”

Clearly, I was either being outsmarted by a four-year-old, or (the more likely option) I was simply asking the wrong question. After taking a moment to carefully word my next question, I asked my son, “Did you make any wrong choices today?” With sad eyes, he finally admitted that he kept playing with toys when he was supposed to be cleaning up.

Even if you've read the Bible through, the whole story of God’s love may not be apparent to you. Keep probing and asking why. Why did God send his Son into this world and set him on a course that took him to the cross? The story started long before that. God was working out a way to demonstrate his love for you before the world even began. Now that is extreme love.

Lord, help me to see that your extreme love for me began well before I was willing to accept it. Amen.

Josh Boldman, Minister of Youth, White Chapel Church of God, South Daytona, Florida 

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